Jai Shakti Employment Services also known as JSE Services believe that immigration can be the most important decision you make in your life. Relocation to another country takes courage and the decision is ridden with fear and anxiety of the unknown. A good advice can surely make the difference between success and failure. If it is not followed correctly then, the procedure in itself is complicated and can be expensive. With JSE Services as your consulting partner, your decisions are based on valuable pertinent information that assures success. JSE Services is the largest immigration and education consulting company and is the amongst initial few specialized immigration companies in India.

JSE Services has made a deliberate foray into immigration consulting for seven countries i.e. Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Cyprus, Ireland, Singapore and New Zealand. Our comprehensive Immigration and Settlement program is specifically designed to ensure an early, affordable, and smooth transition into the country you intend to adopt as your new home. Studying abroad offers a unique opportunity to grow academically, professionally, and personally while going on an once-in-a-lifetime adventure. There are a number of other benefits to studying abroad; however, there are also numerous challenges. Consider the pros and cons, and decide if studying abroad may be right for you. Our commitment to success is exemplified by our highest application success rate and sustained growth in the immigration industry. We will be privileged to be a part of your bright future and to assist you in the realization of your cherished dream.